Source code for trumania.core.relationship

import functools
import itertools
import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numpy.random import RandomState
from trumania.core import util_functions as utils
from trumania.core.operations import AddColumns, Operation, SideEffectOnly

# There are a lot of somewhat ugly optimizations here like in-place mutations,
# caching, or usage of numpy instead of a more readable pandas alternative. The
# reason is the methods of this filetend to be called a large amount of time
# in inner loop of the simulation, optimizing them make the whole simulation
# faster.

[docs]class Relations(object): """ This entity contains all the "to" sides of the relationships of a given "from", together with the related weights. This data structure seems to be the most optimal since it corresponds to a cached group-by result, and those group-by are expensive in the select_one operation """ def __init__(self, to_ids, weights): self.to_ids = np.array(to_ids) self.weights = np.array(weights) self.weights_normed = self.weights / self.weights.sum() def __len__(self): return self.to_ids.shape[0] def __repr__(self): return """to_ids: {},\nweights:{},\nweights_normed:{}""".format( self.to_ids, self.weights, self.weights_normed)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_tuples(from_ids, to_ids, weights): """ from_ids, to_ids and weights must be 3 arrays of identical size, a relationship is built here for each "line" read across those 3 arrays. This methods builds one instance of Relations for each unique from_id value, containing all the to_id's it is related to. """ from_ids = np.array(from_ids) to_ids = np.array(to_ids) if type(weights) is int or type(weights) is float: weights = np.repeat(weights, from_ids.shape) else: weights = np.array(weights) order = from_ids.argsort() ordered = zip(from_ids[order], to_ids[order], weights[order]) def _relations(): # itertools.groupby is much faster than pandas for from_id, tuples in itertools.groupby(ordered, lambda t: t[0]): to_ids, weights = list(zip(*tuples))[1: 3] yield from_id, Relations(list(to_ids), list(weights)) return {from_id: relz for from_id, relz in _relations()}
[docs] def plus(self, other): """ Merge function for 2 sets of relations all starting from the same "from" """ return Relations( np.hstack([self.to_ids, other.to_ids]), np.hstack([self.weights, other.weights]))
[docs] def minus(self, other): """ removes from self _all_ relations to the to_ids mentioned in the provided other Relation """ removed_indices = np.argwhere( [idx in other.to_ids for idx in self.to_ids]) return Relations( np.delete(self.to_ids, removed_indices), np.delete(self.weights, removed_indices))
[docs] def pick_one(self, random_state, overridden_to_weights=None): """ Randomly picks one of the to_ids of this Relation. By default this uses the weights encapsulated in this Relation, unless overridden_to_weights is specified. """ if self.to_ids.shape[0] == 0: return None, None if self.to_ids.shape[0] == 1: return 0, self.to_ids[0] if overridden_to_weights is None: proba = self.weights_normed.astype(float) else: proba = np.array( [overridden_to_weights[to] for to in self.to_ids]).astype(float) proba = proba / proba.sum() idx = random_state.choice( a=range(self.to_ids.shape[0]), size=1, p=proba)[0] # we do not remove values here, even if "pop=true", since some # picked selections might be discarded later in case of one-to-one return idx, self.to_ids[idx]
[docs] def pick_many(self, random_state, amount): """ Quantities and req_indices should have the same size: the first one lists the ids of the index that requests some selections to be picked in the relationship, and the second provide the quantities that each request asked. The result will be in vertical format, with as many lines as the sum of the quantities. """ sample_size = min(self.to_ids.shape[0], amount) # pick enough random index of "to_ids" indices = random_state.choice( a=range(self.to_ids.shape[0]), replace=False, size=sample_size ).tolist() return indices, self.to_ids[indices]
[docs] def remove_inplace(self, removed_indices): self.to_ids = np.delete(self.to_ids, removed_indices) self.weights = np.delete(self.weights, removed_indices) self.weights_normed = np.delete(self.weights_normed, removed_indices) self.weights_normed = self.weights / self.weights.sum()
[docs]class Relationship(object): def __init__(self, seed): self.seed = seed self.state = RandomState(self.seed) self.grouped = {} self.ops = self.RelationshipOps(self)
[docs] def add_relations(self, from_ids, to_ids, weights=1): """ Add relations to this Relationships from from_ids, to_ids, weights """ self.grouped = utils.merge_2_dicts( self.grouped, Relations.from_tuples(from_ids, to_ids, weights), lambda r1, r2:
[docs] def add_grouped_relations(self, from_ids, grouped_ids): """ Add "bulk" relationship, i.e. many "to" sides for each "from" side at once. :param from_ids: list of "from" sides of the relationships to add :param grouped_ids: list of list of "to" sides of the relationships to add Note: we assume all weights are 1 for this use (for now """ for one_from, many_tos in zip(from_ids, grouped_ids): rels = pd.DataFrame({"from": one_from, "to": many_tos}) self.add_relations(from_ids=rels["from"], to_ids=rels["to"])
[docs] def remove_relations(self, from_ids, to_ids): """ Removes all relations between those from_ids and to_ids pairs (not combinatory: if each list is 10 elements, we removed 10 pairs). If the same relation was stored several times between two ids, this removes them all """ self.grouped = utils.merge_2_dicts( self.grouped, Relations.from_tuples(from_ids, to_ids, weights=0), lambda r1, r2: r1.minus(r2))
[docs] def get_relations(self, from_ids=None): """ This returns, as a dataframe, the sub-set of the relationships whose "from" is part of specified "from_ids". If no from_ids is provided, this just returns all the relations. """ _from_ids = set(self.grouped.keys()) if from_ids is None else from_ids def _rel_arrays(): for gid in set(_from_ids): if gid in self.grouped.keys(): relations = self.grouped[gid] yield np.array([np.array([gid] * relations.to_ids.shape[0]), relations.to_ids, relations.weights]) rel_arrays = list(_rel_arrays()) if len(rel_arrays) == 0: return pd.DataFrame(columns=["from", "to", "weight"]) else: df = pd.DataFrame(np.hstack(rel_arrays).T, columns=["from", "to", "weight"]) df["weight"] = df["weight"].astype(float) return df
[docs] def get_neighbourhood_size(self, from_ids): """ return a series indexed by "from" containing the number of "tos" for each requested from. """ def size(from_id): if from_id in self.grouped: return len(self.grouped[from_id]) else: return 0 return pd.Series({from_id: size(from_id) for from_id in from_ids})
[docs] def unique_tos(self): """ :return: the set of unique "to" parts throughout all relationships """ return {to for relations in self.grouped.values() for to in relations.to_ids}
[docs] def select_one(self, from_ids=None, named_as="to", remove_selected=False, discard_empty=True, one_to_one=False, overridden_to_weights=None): """ Randomly selects one "to" part for each specified id in from_ids. An id can be specified several times in that list, in which case we simply do a selection several times. The result is aligned with from_ids by index. i.e. the row in the return value that has the same pandas index than a rom in from_ids is the selection for that row. The selection in the resulting dataframe will by default be named "to", unless this is overridden by "named_as". If remove_selected is True, the selected relations are removed from the relationship. This is handy to model stocks or any container of things. If discard_empty is True, all specified from_ids will be present in the result, even if no relation is available for them or if some selection were dropped due to one-to-one config. If one_to_one is True, the selection is an injective function, i.e each to_ids will at most be picked once. overridden_to_weights is an optional dictionary of {"to": weight} that can be used to override the default weights contained in this Relationship. """ if overridden_to_weights is not None: missing_keys = self.unique_tos() - set( overridden_to_weights.keys().values) assert len(missing_keys) == 0, \ "overridden_to_weights is missing those 'to' keys: {}".format( missing_keys) if from_ids is None: _from_ids = pd.Series(list(self.grouped.keys())) elif type(from_ids) == list: _from_ids = pd.Series(from_ids) else: _from_ids = from_ids def _results(): # req_index is the technical index of the table built by the Story, # => must be respect to join correctly the result of the select_one for req_index, from_id in zip(_from_ids.index, _from_ids): if from_id in self.grouped: idx, picked = self.grouped[from_id].pick_one(self.state, overridden_to_weights) if picked is None: if discard_empty: continue else: yield req_index, from_id, -1, None else: yield req_index, from_id, idx, picked elif not discard_empty: yield req_index, from_id, -1, None output = list(zip(*_results())) if len(output) == 0: return pd.DataFrame(columns=["from", named_as]) request_index, from_id, rel_idx, chosen_tos = output output = pd.DataFrame({named_as: list(chosen_tos), "idx": list(rel_idx), "from": from_id}, index=request_index) if one_to_one and output.shape[0] > 0: # not de-duplicating the blank results blank_idx = output[named_as].isna() blanks, present = output[blank_idx], output[~blank_idx] present = present.loc[self.state.permutation(present.index)] present.drop_duplicates(subset=named_as, keep="first", inplace=True) output = pd.concat([present, blanks]) if remove_selected: # we have to remove all the relations of each from in one go since # no injective selection might have the same index several times g = output[output["idx"] != -1][["from", "idx"]].groupby(by="from") for from_id in g.groups: group = self.grouped[from_id] removed_idx = g.get_group(from_id)["idx"] group.remove_inplace(removed_idx) if len(group) == 0: del self.grouped[from_id] output.drop(["idx"], axis=1, inplace=True) return output
[docs] def select_all_horizontal(self, from_ids, named_as="to"): """ Return all the "to" sides starting from each "from", as an "horizontal" list, i.e. each "from" is on one row and the set of all "to" are all on that row, in one list. Any requested from_id that has no relationship is absent is the returned dataframe (=> the corresponding rows are dropped in the result) """ rows = self.get_relations(from_ids) groups = rows.set_index("to", drop=True).groupby("from", sort=False) df = pd.DataFrame(data=list(groups.groups.items()), columns=["from", named_as]) df[named_as] = df[named_as].apply(lambda s: [el for el in s]) return df
[docs] def select_many(self, from_ids, named_as, quantities, remove_selected=False, discard_empty=True): """ The result is returned in vertical format and index by the values of the index of from_ids. Since we select several values, we return several lines per index value of from_id => during the subsequent join by the Operation, the number of produced rows increases. """ req = pd.DataFrame({"from": from_ids, "qties": quantities}) req["qties"] = req["qties"].astype( # gathers all requests to the same "from" together, keeping track of # the "request index" in the original from_ids so we can merge it later def gather(df): # shuffles that set of request s.t. in case of capping not the same # from_id get "capped" all time df2 = df.loc[self.state.permutation(df.index)] return pd.Series({"quantities": df2["qties"].tolist(), "req_index": df2.index.tolist()}) # the same "from" can be requested several times all_reqs = req.groupby("from", sort=False).apply(gather) def _all_picks_results(): for _, row in all_reqs.iterrows(): from_id = if from_id in self.grouped: relations = self.grouped[from_id] quantities = utils.cap_to_total(row["quantities"], len(relations)) # rel_idx is the index of the picked values within the grouped values (i.e. for one from_id) rel_idx, rel_tos = relations.pick_many(self.state, np.sum(quantities)) # prepares the indices of the resulting vertical format, as a sequence # of index interval where to inject the picked values to_idx = np.cumsum(quantities).tolist() from_idx = [0] + to_idx[:-1] idx_intervals = [(lb, ub) for lb, ub in zip(from_idx, to_idx)] def _one_pick_result(): for ((lower_bound, upper_bound), req_index) in zip( idx_intervals, row["req_index"]): size = upper_bound - lower_bound if size == 0: continue yield [ req_index, from_id, rel_tos[lower_bound:upper_bound], rel_idx[lower_bound:upper_bound], ] yield list(_one_pick_result()) all_picks_results = list(_all_picks_results()) if len(all_picks_results) > 0: output = pd.DataFrame( data=functools.reduce(lambda l1, l2: l1 + l2, all_picks_results), columns=["req_idx", "from", named_as, "rel_idx"]) if remove_selected: # remove all the relations of each from in one go since # no injective selection might have the same index several times g = output[output["rel_idx"] != -1][ ["from", "rel_idx"]].groupby(by="from") for from_id in g.groups: group = self.grouped[from_id] removed_idx = g.get_group(from_id)["rel_idx"].values[0] group.remove_inplace(removed_idx) if len(group) == 0: del self.grouped[from_id] else: output = pd.DataFrame( columns=["req_idx", "from", named_as, "rel_idx"]) output.set_index("req_idx", drop=True, inplace=True) output.drop(["rel_idx", "from"], axis=1, inplace=True) # "discard_empty" option: return empty result (instead of nothing) for # any non existing (i.e. empty) "from" relation if not discard_empty and output.shape[0] != len(from_ids): missing_index = from_ids.index.difference(output.index) missing_values = pd.DataFrame( {named_as: pd.Series([[] * missing_index.shape[0]], index=missing_index)}) output = pd.concat([output, missing_values], copy=False) return output
###################### # IO # ######################
[docs] def save_to(self, file_path): """ Saves all the relationship as well as the current status of the seed as a CSV file """"saving relationship to {}".format(file_path)) # creating a vertical dataframe to store the inner table saved_df = pd.DataFrame(self.get_relations().stack(), columns=["value"]) # we also want to save the seed => added an index level to separate # self._table from self.seed in the end result saved_df["param"] = "relations" saved_df = saved_df.set_index("param", append=True) saved_df.index = saved_df.index.reorder_levels([2, 0, 1]) # then finally added the seed saved_df.loc[("seed", 0, 0)] = self.seed saved_df.to_csv(file_path)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_from(file_path):"loading relationship from {}".format(file_path)) saved_df = pd.read_csv(file_path, index_col=[0, 1, 2]) seed = int(saved_df.loc["seed"].values[0][0]) _all = slice(None) relations = saved_df.loc[("relations", _all, _all)].unstack() relations.index = relations.index.droplevel(0) relations.columns = relations.columns.droplevel(0) relationship = Relationship(seed) relationship.add_relations( from_ids=relations["from"].values, to_ids=relations["to"].values, weights=relations["weight"].values.astype(float)) return relationship
[docs] class RelationshipOps(object): def __init__(self, relationship): self.relationship = relationship
[docs] class AddNeighbourhoodSize(AddColumns): def __init__(self, relationship, from_field, named_as): AddColumns.__init__(self) self.relationship = relationship self.from_field = from_field self.named_as = named_as
[docs] def build_output(self, story_data): requested_froms = story_data[self.from_field] sizes = self.relationship.get_neighbourhood_size( from_ids=requested_froms) return pd.DataFrame( {self.named_as:})
[docs] def get_neighbourhood_size(self, from_field, named_as): return self.AddNeighbourhoodSize(self.relationship, from_field, named_as)
[docs] class SelectOne(AddColumns): """ """ def __init__(self, relationship, from_field, named_as, one_to_one, pop, discard_missing, weight): # inner join instead of default left to allow dropping rows # in case of duplicates and one-to-one AddColumns.__init__(self, join_kind="inner") self.relationship = relationship self.from_field = from_field self.named_as = named_as self.one_to_one = one_to_one self.pop = pop self.discard_missing = discard_missing self.weight = weight
[docs] def build_output(self, story_data): selected = self.relationship.select_one( from_ids=story_data[self.from_field], named_as=self.named_as, remove_selected=self.pop, one_to_one=self.one_to_one, discard_empty=self.discard_missing, overridden_to_weights=self.weight) selected.drop("from", axis=1, inplace=True) return selected
[docs] def select_one(self, from_field, named_as, one_to_one=False, pop=False, discard_empty=False, weight=None): """ :param from_field: field corresponding to the "from" side of the relationship :param named_as: field name assigned to the selected "to" side of the relationship :param one_to_one: boolean indicating that any "to" value will be selected at most once :param pop: if True, the selected relation is removed :param discard_empty: if False, any non-existing "from" in the relationship yields a None in the resulting selection. If true, that row is removed from the story_data. :param weight: weight to use for the "to" side of the relationship. Must be a Series whose index are the "to" values. Typical usage would be to plug an attribute of the "to" population here. :return: this operation adds a single column corresponding to a random choice from a Relationship """ return self.SelectOne(self.relationship, from_field, named_as, one_to_one, pop, discard_empty, weight)
[docs] class SelectAll(Operation): def __init__(self, relationship, from_field, named_as): self.relationship = relationship self.from_field = from_field self.named_as = named_as
[docs] def transform(self, story_data): from_ids = story_data[[self.from_field]].drop_duplicates() selected = self.relationship.select_all_horizontal( from_ids=from_ids[self.from_field].values, named_as=self.named_as) selected.set_index("from", drop=True, inplace=True) return pd.merge(left=story_data, right=selected, left_on=self.from_field, right_index=True)
[docs] def select_all(self, from_field, named_as): """ This simply creates a new story_data field containing all the "to" values of the requested from, as a set. """ return self.SelectAll(self.relationship, from_field, named_as)
[docs] class SelectMany(AddColumns): """ """ def __init__(self, relationship, from_field, named_as, quantity_field, pop, discard_missing): # inner join instead of default left to allow dropping rows # in case of duplicates and one-to-one AddColumns.__init__(self, join_kind="inner") self.relationship = relationship self.discard_missing = discard_missing self.from_field = from_field self.named_as = named_as self.quantity_field = quantity_field self.pop = pop
[docs] def build_output(self, story_data): selected = self.relationship.select_many( from_ids=story_data[self.from_field], named_as=self.named_as, quantities=story_data[self.quantity_field], remove_selected=self.pop, discard_empty=self.discard_missing) return selected
[docs] def select_many(self, from_field, named_as, quantity_field, pop=False, discard_missing=True): return self.SelectMany(self.relationship, from_field, named_as, quantity_field, pop, discard_missing)
[docs] class Add(SideEffectOnly): def __init__(self, relationship, from_field, item_field): self.relationship = relationship self.from_field = from_field self.item_field = item_field
[docs] def side_effect(self, story_data): if story_data.shape[0] > 0: self.relationship.add_relations( from_ids=story_data[self.from_field], to_ids=story_data[self.item_field])
[docs] def add(self, from_field, item_field): return self.Add(self.relationship, from_field, item_field)
[docs] class AddGrouped(SideEffectOnly): def __init__(self, relationship, from_field, grouped_items_field): self.relationship = relationship self.from_field = from_field self.grouped_items_field = grouped_items_field
[docs] def side_effect(self, story_data): if story_data.shape[0] > 0: self.relationship.add_grouped_relations( from_ids=story_data[self.from_field], grouped_ids=story_data[self.grouped_items_field])
[docs] def add_grouped(self, from_field, grouped_items_field): """ this is similar to add, execept that the "to" field should here contain lists of "to" values instead of single ones """ return self.AddGrouped(self.relationship, from_field, grouped_items_field)
[docs] class Remove(SideEffectOnly): def __init__(self, relationship, from_field, item_field): self.relationship = relationship self.from_field = from_field self.item_field = item_field
[docs] def side_effect(self, story_data): if story_data.shape[0] > 0: self.relationship.remove( from_ids=story_data[self.from_field], to_ids=story_data[self.item_field])
[docs] def remove(self, from_field, item_field): return self.Remove(self.relationship, from_field, item_field)