trumania.core package


trumania.core.attribute module

class trumania.core.attribute.Attribute(population, init_values=None, init_gen=None, init_relationship=None)[source]

Bases: object

Static population attribute, with various ways to initialize it randomly

class AttributeOps(attribute)[source]

Bases: object

class Add(attribute, member_id_field, added_value_field, subtract)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.SideEffectOnly

class Update(attribute, member_id_field, copy_from_field)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.SideEffectOnly

add(member_id_field, added_value_field)[source]
subtract(member_id_field, subtracted_value_field)[source]
update(member_id_field, copy_from_field)[source]

Overwrite the value of this attribute with values in this field

  • member_id_field – name of the field of the story data containing the member ids whose attribute should be updated
  • copy_from_field – name of the field of the story data containing the new values of the attribute

add(ids, added_values)[source]

This only makes sense for attributes that support a + operation (e.g. numerical values or list) : this simply performs a += operation

Parameters:ids – members ids for which the attribute values are desired
Returns:the current attribute values for those members, as Series
static load_from(file_path)[source]

transform the values of this attribute inplace with f


updates or adds values of this attributes from the values of the provided series, using its index as member id

trumania.core.circus module

class trumania.core.circus.Circus(name, master_seed, **clock_params)[source]

Bases: object

A Circus is just a container of a lot of objects that are required to make the simulation It is also the object that will execute the stories required for 1 iteration

attach_generator(gen_id, generator)[source]

“attach” a random generator to this circus, s.t. it gets persisted with the rest

create_population(name, **population_params)[source]

Creates a population with the specifed parameters and attach it to this circus.

create_story(name, **story_params)[source]

Creates a story with the provided parameters and attach it to this circus.


Looks up the initiating population associated to this story


Looks up and story by name in this circus and returns it. Returns none if not found.

static load_from_db(circus_name)[source]
load_generator(gen_type, gen_id)[source]

Load this generator definition add attach it to this circus

load_population(population_id, namespace=None)[source]

Load this population definition add attach it to this circus

run(duration, log_output_folder, delete_existing_logs=False)[source]

Executes all stories in the circus for as long as requested.

Parameters:duration – duration of the desired simulation (start date is

dictated by the clock) :type duration: pd.TimeDelta

  • log_output_folder (string) – folder where to write the logs.
  • delete_existing_logs
static save_logs(log_id, logs, log_output_folder)[source]

Appends those logs to the corresponding output file, creating it if it does not exist or appending lines to it otherwise.

save_params_to_db(params_type, params)[source]

Saves the params object to the circus folder in the DB for future reference :param params_type: “build”, “run” or “target” :param params: the params object


Create a db namespace named after this circus and saves all the populations there.

Only static data is saved, not the stories.

trumania.core.clock module

class trumania.core.clock.Clock(start, step_duration, seed)[source]

Bases: object

A Clock is the central object managing the evolution of time of the whole circus. It’s generating timestamps on demand, and provides information for TimeProfiler objects.

class ClockOps(clock)[source]

Bases: object

class Timestamp(clock, named_as, random, log_format)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.AddColumns

timestamp(named_as, random=True, log_format=None)[source]

Generates a random timestamp within the current time slice

get_timestamp(size=1, random=True, log_format=None)[source]

Returns timestamps formatted as string

  • size (int) – number of timestamps to generate, default 1
  • random (boolean) – if True, the timestamps are randomly generated in [

self.current_date, self.current_date+self.step_duration]

Parameters:log_format (string) – string format of the generated timestamps
Return type:Pandas Series
Returns:random timestamps in the form of strings

Increments the clock by 1 step

Return type:NoneType
Returns:the smallest number of iteration of this clock s.t. the

corresponding duration is >= duration


Add an object to be incremented at each step (such as a TimeProfiler)

class trumania.core.clock.CyclicTimerGenerator(clock, seed, config)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.random_generators.DependentGenerator

A TimeProfiler contains an activity profile over a defined time range. It’s mostly a super class, normally only its child classes should be used.

The goal of a TimeProfiler is to keep a track of the expected level of activity of users over a cyclic time range It will store a vector with probabilities of activity per time step, as well as a cumulative sum of the probabilities starting with the current time step.

This allows to quickly produce random waiting times until the next event for the users

activity(n, per)[source]
  • n – number of stories
  • per (pd.Timedelta) – time period for that number of stories

the activity level corresponding to the specified number of n

executions per time period


Generate random waiting times, based on some observed activity levels. The higher the level of activity, the shorter the waiting times will be

Parameters:observations (Pandas Series) – contains an array of floats
Returns:Pandas Series

Increment the time generator by 1 step.

This has as effect to move the cdf of one step to the left, decrease all values by the value of the original first entry, and placing the previous first entry at the end of the cdf, with value 1.

class trumania.core.clock.CyclicTimerProfile(profile, profile_time_steps, start_date)[source]

Bases: object

Static parameters of the Timer profile. Separated from the timer gen itself to facilitate persistence.

  • profile (python array) – Weight of each period
  • profile_time_steps (string) – duration of the time-steps in the profile

(e.g. “15min”)

Parameters:start_date (pd.Timestamp) – date of the origin of the specified profile =>

this is used to align with the values of the clock

Returns:the total duration corresponding to this time profile
static load_from(file_path)[source]

trumania.core.operations module

class trumania.core.operations.AddColumns(join_kind='left')[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.Operation

Very typical case of an operation that appends (i.e. joins) columns to the previous result


Produces a dataframe with one or several columns and an index aligned with the one of input. The columns of this will be merge with input.

Parameters:story_data – current dataframe
Returns:the column(s) to append to it, as a dataframe
class trumania.core.operations.Apply(source_fields, named_as, f, f_args='dataframe')[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.AddColumns

Custom operation adding one single column computed from a user-provided function.

The length of the source_fields must match the number columns in the dataframe expected by the user f function

class trumania.core.operations.Chain(*operations)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.Operation

A chain is a list of operation to be executed sequencially


adds operations to be executed at the end of this chain

class trumania.core.operations.DropRow(condition_field)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.Operation

Discards any row in the story data where the condition field is false.

class trumania.core.operations.FieldLogger(log_id, cols=None, exploded_cols=None)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.Operation

Log creator that simply select a set of columns and create a logged dataframe from it

class trumania.core.operations.Operation[source]

Bases: object

An Operation is able to produce transform input into an output +
produce logs.

This method is used to produces logs (e.g. CDRs, mobility, topus…)

Parameters:story_data – output of this operation, as produced by transform()
Returns:emitted logs, as a dictionary of {“log_id”: some_data_frame}
Parameters:story_data – dataframe as produced by the previous operation
Returns:a dataframe that replaces the previous one in the pipeline
class trumania.core.operations.SideEffectOnly[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.Operation

Operation that does not produce logs nor supplementary columns: just have side effect

trumania.core.operations.bound_value(lb=None, ub=None)[source]

builds a function that limits the range of a value

trumania.core.operations.bounded_sigmoid(x_min, x_max, shape, incrementing=True)[source]

Builds a S-shape curve that have y values evolving between 0 and 1 over the x domain [x_min, x_max]

This is preferable to the logistic function for cases where we want to make sure that the curve actually reaches 0 and 1 at some point (e.g. probability of triggering an “restock” story must be 1 if stock is as low as 1).

See /tests/notebooks/bounded_sigmoid.ipynb for examples

  • x_min – lower bound of the x domain
  • x_max – lower bound of the x domain
  • incrementing – if True, evolve from 0 to 1, or from 1 to 0 otherwise
  • shape

    strictly positive number controlling the shape of the resulting function * 1 correspond to linear transition * higher values yield a more and more sharper, i.e. more

    vertical S shape, converging towards a step function transiting at (x_max-x_min)/2 for very large values of S ( e.g. 10000)
    • values in ]0,1[ yield vertically shaped sigmoids, sharply rising/falling at the boundary of the x domain and transiting more smoothly in the middle of it.

Copies values from the source to the “named_as” if the condition is True, otherwise inserts NA


Apply(source_fields=[“some_source_field”, “some_condition_field”],
named_as=”some_result_field”, f=copy_if)
trumania.core.operations.logistic(k, x0=0, L=1)[source]

Returns a function, usable in an Apply operation, that transforms the specified field with a sigmoid with the provided parameters

  • k – the steepness of the curve
  • x0 – the x-value of the sigmoid’s midpoint (default: 0)
  • L – maximum value of the logistic (default: 1)

same parameter naming conventions as in:

named_as=”some_result_field”, f=sigmoid(k=-0.01, x0=1000)

trumania.core.population module

class trumania.core.population.Population(circus, ids_gen=None, size=None, ids=None)[source]

Bases: object

class PopulationOps(population)[source]

Bases: object

class Lookup(population, id_field, select_dict)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.AddColumns

class Update(population, id_field, copy_attributes_from_fields)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.SideEffectOnly

lookup(id_field, select)[source]

Looks up some attribute values by joining on the specified field of the current data

  • id_field – field name in the story_data. If the that column contains lists, then it’s assumed to contain only list and it’s flatten to obtain the list of id to lookup in the attribute. Must be a list of “scalar” values or list of list, not a mix of both.
  • select – dictionary of (attribute_name -> given_name)

specifying which attribute to look up and which name to give to the resulting column


Appends a field column to the story_data containing member ids taken at random among the ids of this population.

This is similar to relationship_select_one(), except that no particular relation is required, we just sample one id randomly

Parameters:named_as – the name of the field added to the story_data
update(id_field, copy_attributes_from_fields)[source]

Adds or update members and their attributes.

Note that the index of story_data, i.e. the ids of the _triggering_ members, is irrelevant during this operation.

  • id_field – ids of the updated or created members
  • copy_attributes_from_fields
    dictionary of
    (attribute name -> story data field name)
    that describes which column in the population dataframe to use
    to update which attribute.

create_attribute(name, **kwargs)[source]
create_relationship(name, seed=None)[source]

creates an empty relationship from the members of this population

create_stock_relationship(name, item_id_gen, n_items_per_member)[source]

Creates a relationship aimed at maintaining a stock, from a generator that create stock item ids.

The relationship does not point to another population, but to items whose id is generated with the provided generator.

create_stock_relationship_grp(name, stock_bulk_gen)[source]

This creates exactly the same kind of relationship as create_stock_relationship, but using a generator of list of stock items instead of a generators of items.


” :return a dictionary description of this population

get_attribute_values(attribute_name, ids=None)[source]
Returns:the values of this attribute, as a Series
static load_from(folder, circus)[source]

Reads all persistent data of this population and loads it

  • folder – folder containing all CSV files of this population
  • circus – parent circus containing this population


Saves this population and all its attribute and relationships to the specified folder.

If the folder already exists, it is deleted first

Returns:all the attributes of this population as one single dataframe

Adds or updates members with the provided attribute ids and values

param attribute_df:
 must be a dataframe whose index contain the id

of the inserted members. There must be as many columns as there are attributes currently defined in this population.

If the members for the specified ids already exist, their values are updated, otherwise the members are created.

trumania.core.random_generators module

class trumania.core.random_generators.ConstantDependentGenerator(value)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.random_generators.ConstantGenerator, trumania.core.random_generators.DependentGenerator

Dependent generator ignoring the observations and producing a constant value.

class trumania.core.random_generators.ConstantGenerator(value)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.random_generators.Generator

class trumania.core.random_generators.DependentBulkGenerator(element_generator)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.random_generators.DependentGenerator

Dependent Generator that transforms that observations into a list of observation elements that are generated through element_generator.

class trumania.core.random_generators.DependentGenerator[source]

Bases: object

Generator providing random values depending on some live observation among the fields of the story or attributes of the populations.

This opens the door to “probability given” distributions

class DependentGeneratorOps(generator)[source]

Bases: object

class RandomValuesFromField(generator, named_as, observations_field)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.AddColumns

Operation that produces one single column generated randomly.

generate(named_as, observed_field)[source]
  • named_as – the name of the supplementary field inserted in the story_data
  • observed_field – the name of the story_data field whose content is used as observed input by this DependentGenerator


Generation of random values after observing the input events.

Parameters:observations – one list of “previous observations”, coming from

upstream operation in the Story upstream random variables in this graph.

Returns:an array of generated random values
class trumania.core.random_generators.DependentTrigger(value_to_proba_mapper=<function identity>, seed=None)[source]

Bases: object

A trigger is a boolean Generator.

A dependent trigger transforms, with the specified function, the value of the depended on story field or population attribute into the [0,1] range and uses that as the probability of triggering (i.e. of returning True)

class trumania.core.random_generators.DependentTriggerGenerator(value_to_proba_mapper=<function identity>, seed=None)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.random_generators.DependentTrigger, trumania.core.random_generators.DependentGenerator

Composition of the two mixin above:
DependentGenerator: , with the ability to build operation that generate
random values

DependentTrigger: to specify that the the generation actually produces booleans with a value_mapper

class trumania.core.random_generators.FakerGenerator(seed, method, **fakerKwargs)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.random_generators.Generator

Generator wrapping Faker factory

class trumania.core.random_generators.Generator[source]

Bases: object

Independent parameterized random value generator. Abstract class

class GeneratorOps(generator)[source]

Bases: object

class RandomValues(generator, named_as, quantity_field)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.AddColumns

Operation that produces one single column generated randomly.

generate(named_as, quantity_field=None)[source]
file_loaders = {'NumpyRandomGenerator': <function NumpyRandomGenerator.load_from at 0x1148b6b70>, 'SequencialGenerator': <function SequencialGenerator.load_from at 0x1148b6f28>}

Not _really_ a flatmap but close enough on concept (I guess): this chains self with a DependentGenerator by feeding our output values as observations to the DependentGenerator at the moment of generation.

Parameters:dependent_generator – must be an instance of DependentGenerator, i.e. have a .generate(observations=…) method
Returns:an instance of Generator whose .generate(size=…) method provides the combination of the above

“Independent” random value generation: do not depend on any previous observation, we just want to sample the random variable size times

Parameters:size – the number of random value to produce
Returns:an array of generated random values
static load_generator(gen_type, input_file)[source]
map(f=None, f_vect=None)[source]

Creates a new generator that transforms the generated values with the provided function.

# TODO: do we really need “non vectorialized” f and vectorialized f_vect? Have a look at numpy ufunc…

class trumania.core.random_generators.MSISDNGenerator(countrycode, prefix_list, length, seed=None)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.random_generators.Generator


returns a list of size randomly generated msisdns. Those msisdns cannot be generated again from this generator

Parameters:size – int
Returns:numpy array
class trumania.core.random_generators.MongoIdGenerator[source]

Bases: trumania.core.random_generators.Generator

Generates a random ObjectId for MongoDB, from bson.objectid.ObjectID, See


returns a list of generated ObjectIds for a MongoDB. Those ObjectIds cannot be generated again from this generator

Parameters:size – int
Returns:array of strings
class trumania.core.random_generators.NumpyRandomGenerator(method, seed, **numpy_parameters)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.random_generators.Generator

Generator wrapping any numpy.Random method.

static load_from(input_file)[source]
class trumania.core.random_generators.ParetoGenerator(xmin, seed=None, force_int=False, **np_params)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.random_generators.Generator

Builds a pareto having xmin as lower bound for the sampled values and a

as power parameter, i.e.:

p(x|a) = (x/xmin)^a if x >= xmin
= 0 otherwise

The higher the value of a, the closer pareto gets to dirac’s delta.

force_int allows to round each value to integers (handy to generate
counts distributed as a power law)
class trumania.core.random_generators.SequencialGenerator(start=0, prefix='id_', max_length=10)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.random_generators.Generator

Generator of sequencial unique values

static load_from(input_file)[source]
Parameters:master_seed – master seed
Returns:a generator of seeds, deterministically depending on the master one

trumania.core.relationship module

class trumania.core.relationship.Relations(to_ids, weights)[source]

Bases: object

This entity contains all the “to” sides of the relationships of a given “from”, together with the related weights.

This data structure seems to be the most optimal since it corresponds to a cached group-by result, and those group-by are expensive in the select_one operation

static from_tuples(from_ids, to_ids, weights)[source]

from_ids, to_ids and weights must be 3 arrays of identical size, a relationship is built here for each “line” read across those 3 arrays.

This methods builds one instance of Relations for each unique from_id value, containing all the to_id’s it is related to.


removes from self _all_ relations to the to_ids mentioned in the provided other Relation

pick_many(random_state, amount)[source]

Quantities and req_indices should have the same size: the first one lists the ids of the index that requests some selections to be picked in the relationship, and the second provide the quantities that each request asked.

The result will be in vertical format, with as many lines as the sum of the quantities.

pick_one(random_state, overridden_to_weights=None)[source]

Randomly picks one of the to_ids of this Relation. By default this uses the weights encapsulated in this Relation, unless overridden_to_weights is specified.


Merge function for 2 sets of relations all starting from the same “from”

class trumania.core.relationship.Relationship(seed)[source]

Bases: object

class RelationshipOps(relationship)[source]

Bases: object

class Add(relationship, from_field, item_field)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.SideEffectOnly

class AddGrouped(relationship, from_field, grouped_items_field)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.SideEffectOnly

class AddNeighbourhoodSize(relationship, from_field, named_as)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.AddColumns

class Remove(relationship, from_field, item_field)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.SideEffectOnly

class SelectAll(relationship, from_field, named_as)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.Operation

class SelectMany(relationship, from_field, named_as, quantity_field, pop, discard_missing)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.AddColumns

class SelectOne(relationship, from_field, named_as, one_to_one, pop, discard_missing, weight)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.AddColumns

add(from_field, item_field)[source]
add_grouped(from_field, grouped_items_field)[source]

this is similar to add, execept that the “to” field should here contain lists of “to” values instead of single ones

get_neighbourhood_size(from_field, named_as)[source]
remove(from_field, item_field)[source]
select_all(from_field, named_as)[source]

This simply creates a new story_data field containing all the “to” values of the requested from, as a set.

select_many(from_field, named_as, quantity_field, pop=False, discard_missing=True)[source]
select_one(from_field, named_as, one_to_one=False, pop=False, discard_empty=False, weight=None)[source]
  • from_field – field corresponding to the “from” side of the relationship
  • named_as – field name assigned to the selected “to” side of the relationship
  • one_to_one – boolean indicating that any “to” value will be selected at most once
  • pop – if True, the selected relation is removed
  • discard_empty – if False, any non-existing “from” in the relationship yields a None in the resulting selection. If true, that row is removed from the story_data.
  • weight – weight to use for the “to” side of the relationship. Must be a Series whose index are the “to” values. Typical usage would be to plug an attribute of the “to” population here.

this operation adds a single column corresponding to a random choice from a Relationship

add_grouped_relations(from_ids, grouped_ids)[source]

Add “bulk” relationship, i.e. many “to” sides for each “from” side at once.

  • from_ids – list of “from” sides of the relationships to add
  • grouped_ids – list of list of “to” sides of the relationships to add

Note: we assume all weights are 1 for this use (for now

add_relations(from_ids, to_ids, weights=1)[source]

Add relations to this Relationships from from_ids, to_ids, weights


return a series indexed by “from” containing the number of “tos” for each requested from.


This returns, as a dataframe, the sub-set of the relationships whose “from” is part of specified “from_ids”.

If no from_ids is provided, this just returns all the relations.

static load_from(file_path)[source]
remove_relations(from_ids, to_ids)[source]

Removes all relations between those from_ids and to_ids pairs (not combinatory: if each list is 10 elements, we removed 10 pairs). If the same relation was stored several times between two ids, this removes them all


Saves all the relationship as well as the current status of the seed as a CSV file

select_all_horizontal(from_ids, named_as='to')[source]

Return all the “to” sides starting from each “from”, as an “horizontal” list, i.e. each “from” is on one row and the set of all “to” are all on that row, in one list.

Any requested from_id that has no relationship is absent is the returned dataframe (=> the corresponding rows are dropped in the result)

select_many(from_ids, named_as, quantities, remove_selected=False, discard_empty=True)[source]

The result is returned in vertical format and index by the values of the index of from_ids. Since we select several values, we return several lines per index value of from_id => during the subsequent join by the Operation, the number of produced rows increases.

select_one(from_ids=None, named_as='to', remove_selected=False, discard_empty=True, one_to_one=False, overridden_to_weights=None)[source]

Randomly selects one “to” part for each specified id in from_ids. An id can be specified several times in that list, in which case we simply do a selection several times. The result is aligned with from_ids by index. i.e. the row in the return value that has the same pandas index than a rom in from_ids is the selection for that row.

The selection in the resulting dataframe will by default be named “to”, unless this is overridden by “named_as”.

If remove_selected is True, the selected relations are removed from the relationship. This is handy to model stocks or any container of things.

If discard_empty is True, all specified from_ids will be present in the result, even if no relation is available for them or if some selection were dropped due to one-to-one config.

If one_to_one is True, the selection is an injective function, i.e each to_ids will at most be picked once.

overridden_to_weights is an optional dictionary of {“to”: weight} that can be used to override the default weights contained in this Relationship.

Returns:the set of unique “to” parts throughout all relationships

trumania.core.story module

class trumania.core.story.Story(name, initiating_population, member_id_field, activity_gen=<trumania.core.random_generators.ConstantGenerator object>, states=None, timer_gen=<trumania.core.random_generators.ConstantDependentGenerator object>, auto_reset_timer=True)[source]

Bases: object

class StoryOps(story)[source]

Bases: object

class ForceActNext(story, member_id_field, condition_field)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.SideEffectOnly

class ResetTimers(story, member_id_field=None)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.SideEffectOnly

class TransitToState(story, member_id_field, state_field, state, condition_field)[source]

Bases: trumania.core.operations.SideEffectOnly

force_act_next(member_id_field, condition_field=None)[source]

Sets the timer of those members to 0, forcing them to act at the next clock tick


regenerates some random positive count value for all timers

transit_to_state(member_id_field, state_field=None, state=None, condition_field=None)[source]

changes the state of those population member ids

Returns:2 sets of member ids: the one active at this turn and the


get_param(param_name, ids)[source]
  • param_name – either “activity” or “”back_to_default_probability”“
  • ids – population member ids

the activity level of each requested member id, depending its

current state

static init_story_data(member_id_field_name, active_ids)[source]

creates the initial story_data dataframe containing just the id of the currently active members


Resets the timers to some random positive number of ticks, related to the activity level of each population row.

We limit to a set of ids and not all the members currently set to zero, since we could have zero timers as a side effect of other storys, in which case we want to trigger an execution at next clock tick instead of resetting the timer.

Parameters:ids – the subset of population member ids to impact
Parameters:ops – sequence of operations to be executed at each step
transit_to_state(ids, states)[source]
  • ids – array of population member id to updates
  • states – array of states to assign to those member ids

trumania.core.util_functions module

Collection of utility functions

trumania.core.util_functions.assign_random_proportions(name1, name2, group1, group2, seed)[source]
trumania.core.util_functions.build_ids(size, id_start=0, prefix='id_', max_length=10)[source]

builds a sequencial list of string ids of specified size

trumania.core.util_functions.cap_to_total(values, target_total)[source]
return a copy of values with the largest values possible s.t.:
  • all return values are <= the original ones
  • their sum is == total
trumania.core.util_functions.df_concat(d1, d2)[source]

makes sure the specified directory does not exist, potentially deleting any file or folder it contains

trumania.core.util_functions.latest_date_before(starting_date, upper_bound, time_step)[source]

Looks for the latest result_date s.t

result_date = starting_date + n * time_step for any integer n result_date <= upper_bound

loads all csv file contained in this folder and retun them as one dictionary where the key is the filename without the extension

trumania.core.util_functions.log_dataframe_sample(msg, df)[source]
trumania.core.util_functions.make_random_assign(set1, set2, seed)[source]

Assign randomly a member of set2 to each member of set1 :return: a dataframe with as many rows as set1

trumania.core.util_functions.make_random_bipartite_data(group1, group2, p, seed)[source]
  • group1 (list) – Ids of first group
  • group2 (list) – Ids of second group
  • p (float) – probability of existence of 1 edge
  • seed (int) – seed for random generator
Return type:



all edges in the graph

trumania.core.util_functions.merge_2_dicts(dict1, dict2, value_merge_func=None)[source]
  • dict1 – first dictionary to be merged
  • dict2 – first dictionary to be merged
  • value_merge_func – specifies how to merge 2 values if present in

both dictionaries :type value_merge_func: function (value1, value) => value :return:

trumania.core.util_functions.merge_dicts(dicts, merge_func=None)[source]
  • dicts (list[dict]) – list of dictionnaries to be merged
  • merge_func (function) –

one single dictionary containing all entries received


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